Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Bloody Orange and Fennel Salad (赤オレンジとのサラダ)

I think I posted orange and fennel salad before. I made it with bloody orange this time.
Bloody orange has deeper flavor than normal orange, and most of all, it looks bloody read !

Friday, April 15, 2011

Yellow and Orange Turnip Salad (黄色と橙カブのサラダ)

These turnips are really great. I had turnip salad in two different restaurants around San Francisco, and I really love the taste of both of them. I was initially thinking, it must be the salad dressing which makes the dish so tasty, but then the distinctive flavor seems to be from turnip itself when I remember the taste.
so, I decided to give me a try to cook it by myself to know the actual taste of turnips.
I found some of good grocery stores actually are selling them, but they don't look so attractive. That's why I've never got it before.
I went home, and microwaved them till it got soft, and left them till they cooled down.
I pealed and diced them, and mix with lemon juice, mayonnaise, and salt/pepper.
It tasted sooo good just as it is ! and most of all, it looks cute when I put both yellow and orange ones. Happy Cooking- :)

Penne Bolognese (ペンネボロネーゼ)

My mom was stunned with this dish I improvised, and I decided to put it in my blog.
Photo did not turn out to be great, but the taste was authentic !
I've picked up a relatively expensive handmade style dried penne packet, and  I did not ruin it with regular pasta sauce, and I decided to make my own. (but it's easy as always)
  First, saute minced garlic and chopped onion, and put ground chicken to further saute the mixture. Then, add tomato paste, chopped dried tomato, and many kind of spices like cinnamon, paprika, nutmeg and you name it ! In the end, you put boiled penne to the sauce.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Easy Seafood Pilaf (簡単シーフードピラフ)

I love flavor of saffron. It's gorgeous and sweet.
Some people think it's hard to use because of  the strong flavor, and probably because  it's pricey.
I like to put it in milky sweets like yogurt, ice cream, or even hot milk, and dazzle a bit of cardamon seed.
For savory dish, seafood ,especially scallop, is definitely a good match to saffron.
This time, I simply put rice, saffron, butter, and frozen seafood mix in rice cooker, and finished it up with freshly grounded pepper and salt. Very easy and nice !

German Style Baby Shitake and Baby potatoes (新シイタケと新じゃがのジャーマンポテト風)

Hi ! Looong time no see !
I haven't been writing this blog for a while.
After the massive earthquake and Tsunami attack in Japan, my mom had been staying with me here in US, and I was really away from updating any sort of things like catching up with friends, planning summer vacation, and updating the blog ! However, I was still keeping records of some dishes I cooked for Mom.
I made German Potato style Baby potato sauteed with baby Shimeji mushroom. German potato is fairly common dish in Japan, and I am not sure if the dish is called as German potato in worldwide.
It's basically sauteed potato with onion and garlic, and put some vinegar in finishing. I like to put soy sauce and balsamic vinegar. This combination really works.