Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Ma-Po Tofu (麻婆豆腐)

Ma-po tofu is one of the most popular Chinese dish in Japan, and naturally we cook it in household. Japanese Ma-po tofu is mainly hot spicy because of red chili, but after I came to US I found authentic one is rather spicy from Sichuan pepper which has unique and strong flavor.
In Japan, we use Sichuan pepper on eel, but it's hardly used other than that.
I started making Ma-po tofu with a garlic, green onion, sugar, and bit of Gochujang (Korean spicy miso paste) and a lot  Sichuan pepper. Add super soft silken tofu at the very end after stir fry everything else. You can make it thick by adding diluted starch in the end if you like.

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