Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Chinese Creamy Corn Soup

You have always two choices in Chinese restaurant.
Either Hot & Sour Soup or Corn soup.
Both of them are pretty easy to make, and this time I made corn soup.

アメリカの中華料理店では大抵, 酸辣湯スープかコーンスープが出てきます。

What you need:
- Can of creamy style cone
- Egg
- Chicken soup stock
- Salt and pepper
- Chicken (optional)

How to make:
-1: Boil water and creamy style cone. Add small pieces of chicken if you like.
-2: Add soup stock and season it with salt and pepper
-3: Beat egg, and gradually add it to boiling soup by using chop stick or folk. You can gradually pour beaten egg through the tip of chop stick or folk so that stream of egg goes into water.

- クリームスタイルコーン
- 卵
- チキンスープの素
- 塩、胡椒
- 鶏肉(好みで) 

- 1: 水とクリームスタイルコーンを鍋で沸騰させる。好みで小さく切った鶏肉を入れる
- 2: チキンスープの素と塩コショウを加える。
- 3: 溶き卵を加える。

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